Originally posted by DA Morgan:
Johnny Boy wrote:
"Electrons are localised waves they are not particles "waving" their tails"

Please assume that this DUH is 72 point font: Bold faced.

You still don't get it.

Electrons are not waves.
Electrons are not particles.
Electrons are electrons.

A map of the state of New York is not the state of New York. A map of the andromeda galaxy is not a galaxy. And an analogy of electron properties is not an electron.
I understand your reasoning, which is the standard dogma leading to the non-causal absurdities when interpreting quantum mechanics. I am arguing that your reasoning is outdated, and should never have been believed. This is the bad legacy that a brilliant scientist called Heisenberg left behind. As Einstein anticipated, this reasoning is just plain wrong. How can an atomic orbital represent a moving charged-entity (whatever it might be) without having to radiate EM radiation? The Heisenberg uncertainty relationship for position and time relates to the relationship between position and k-space which every wave-function has to have; IT IS NOT UNCERTAINTIES IN THE POSITION AND MOMENTUM OF A POINT PARTICLE OWING TO INBUILT STATISTICS IN THE UNIVERSE (GOD REALLY DOES NOT PLAY DICE!!!). To say that an electron is an electron is an electron is acceptable as a religious mantra, but is not good science!