Originally Posted By: paul
so yes there is a relationship between time and the rate of atomic decay.
so would time dilate faster or slower for cesium material
than it would for any other material?

what do you think?
I think time would dilate the same for all matter/materials.

Originally Posted By: paul
I dont believe that all materials would undergo the same
rate of decay change as the cesium material.

could it be that what you think is time dilation is only
occurring in the cesium material?
I doubt it. Why would it only affect cesium?
I'd guess this has been tested with something other than cesium-based clocks, but I haven't checked.

Originally Posted By: paul
if not then why not simply use any material if all materials
that are exposed to the changes in gravity and velocity
and basically any changes to their local environment
are affected by the same amount of time dilation...
I'd expect that cesium has several advantages.
If I had to guess, it's probably the most cheaply abundant material, with some important property such as extremely weak electronegativity,
which might contribute to an easily detected vibration, but that is probably also easily researched.

If you want to see a demonstration:
The first of six episodes of "Genius by Stephen Hawking," is entitled "Can We Time Travel?"
I think that is the episode where, by moving one atomic clock to the top of a mountain,
it travels a bit in time ...relative to another synchronized atomic clock remaining back at the base of the mountain.

~ cool

Pyrolysis creates reduced carbon! ...Time for the next step in our evolutionary symbiosis with fire.