Originally Posted By: 969264409111

Regardless if its history, the Universe we see and experience appears to be so perfectly suited to create, support and refine life, that regardless of all those unanswerable questions, it seems possible -- in fact highly probable -- that it did not come into being this way by chance.

What you are talking about here is answered by the anthropic principle. Basically the anthropic principle says that the reason we see the universe the way we do is that if it wasn't the way it is we wouldn't be here to see it. This is the weak anthropic principle. The Strong Anthropic principle says that the universe is the way it is so that we can be here to see it. This of course leads to the endless questions of what created the universe, the universe creator, the creator's creator, etc.

Another take on the anthropic principle comes from research physicists who are trying to find a more complete theory than General Relativity (GR) and Quantum Mechanics (QM), which of course as we now understand them are incompatible.

One approach to a final theory is String Theory. String Theory has a lot of beautiful features and there are many researchers investigating it. One of the problems with String Theory is that there are many different configurations that it can take. If I recall correctly there are a minimum of 100,000 different results. Nobody knows how to pick out one that actually describes our universe. So they use the Anthropic Principle as a cop out. In this case they say that there are an infinite number of universes being created. They will all have different physical constants. So just at random a universe like ours will be created. That answers the question of why our universe is the way it is. It is just a random consequence of the random generation of universes.

From the QM camp there is the theory that there is something that is nothing, except for the random appearance of virtual particles in pairs which appear and immediately annihilate themselves. However, given enough time so many will appear all at once that they will create a Big Bang event and a universe will appear. Again this universe may or may not (probably not) match our universe. But given enough time sooner or later a universe like ours will appear. And therefore we come into being and ask the questions about where we came from.

Notice that neither of these theories requires any creator, just the random working of fate.

Also notice that my description of either of the theories is not nearly complete or accurate. If you want more information about either of them try searching the web for information.

Bill Gill

C is not the speed of light in a vacuum.
C is the universal speed limit.