Marosz I have repeatedly told you I am not interested in your idea when presented like that, why keep referencing me?

You obviously have a learning difficulties because that has been made clear to you on countless occasions.

I really don't care that you think pink aliens bounce gravity death rays off aircraft wings or whatever your junk says in the spam.

I don't get why you bother referencing me in your lunatic spam rants as anything over two sentences or a single picture from you I an never going to read or respond too.

Do you get I didn't even read the spam above, I never bothered to look at it. I told you the only way I would discuss things with you and until you follow the simple rules I set you are wasting your time.

I am willing to discuss science with you but my rules, and I don't do walls of spam as they do not help me understand you. It took about 20 posts for you to understand you could never win a Nobel prize, so I figure if I keep telling you I won't respond to spam posts like that you will eventually work it out.


Now my only question was did LIGO get back to you?

Last edited by Orac; 03/14/16 03:31 PM.

I believe in "Evil, Bad, Ungodly fantasy science and maths", so I am undoubtedly wrong to you.