Perhaps we could tear ourselves away from unhelpful gods, goats and baby Jesuses.

LS touches on a topic we were discussing in another thread; namely the question as to why we don’t observe run away gravity. I don’t see how the presence, or otherwise, of gravity waves would influence this, as any cancelling, or amplifying, would be only local events.
Gravity affects everything that exists equally regardless of mass and this includes massless particles. Both Newton and Galileo understood this centuries ago, even though relativists claim that they are the ones who figured it out. Go figure.

The problem is that this undeniable principle means that gravity also affect gravitational waves. Since these waves affect themselves, they either cancel themselves out or amplify themselves recursively. The same objection applies to so-called curved space and to hypothetical intermediary particles such as gravitons. In other words, if it exists, regardless of its mass, gravity affects it. The infinite self-referential regress is too painful to even contemplate.

He has delightfully confrontational style, but I think, unfortunately, it adds little to his chances of being taken seriously.

There never was nothing.