This thead constitutes an eloquent demonstration of how a professionally managed corporation can only survive on insubordination. None of you has a sparrow's fart of an idea what you are talking about real world. You strut for political nuance while making technical asses of yourselves.

Given: the number of hydrogen atoms in a cubic centimeter of diesel fuel (or water) sitting in an open bucket at ambient temperature and pressure. Compare that number to any other extant or theoretical hydrogen storage modality. A bucket of diesel right now, today, as your read this, exceeds the DOE's wildest extrapolated published hydrogen storage density bullcrap by a factor of two. HDPE exceeds it by a factor of 2.2, which crushes hydrogen storage discoveries projected 100 years into the future.

If you had an air-alcohol fuel cell without noble metal catalyst you'd equal the best IC engines in electric engine cost/mile. If you had an air-hydrocarbon fuel cell without noble metal catalyst you'd have muscle cars doing 100 mpg. Putting NASA H2/O2 fuel cells in charge of US energy policy will get you space scuttles (that in constant dollars cost 3X as much as Saturn V boosters did per gram of mass boosted).

Burning H2 in IC engines is flat out stupid. 70% of the energy is discarded as waste heat, further less losses for manufacturing via the Second Law of Thermodynamics and losses for compression (101.325 joules/liter-atm).

Uncle Al
(Toxic URL! Unsafe for children and most mammals)