I will respond to this one because it contains an obvious huge layman error

There are actually three types of redshift normal motional redshift, gravitational redshift and cosmological redshift and they all behave differently and have different formula.

Lets try to put this in really simple terms for you Marosz

Normal motion doppler shift is about the change in light which is approaching, receding because of the motion of the object relative to you, you understand this one. Cosmological redshift is about what happened to the light while it is in transit.

When we look at redshift data from stars and galaxies it contains both redshifts in different amounts and if it is important you need to do a detailed analysis to separate them out.

The formula for the two different forms is given here


The image at the bottom shows an example of testing a star or galaxy against a cosmological redshift to make sure it is correct. If I ran the analysis against motional redshift formula the result is so far out it would be hard to represent.

I have left out discussion on gravitational redshift which you can also measure and has been confirmed.

So this whole idea is completely wrong but that never seems to bother Marosz !!!!!!!!

What I will warn you is if you try this on a normal physics forum they will ban you because it is to stupid for them to bother with.

Last edited by Orac; 01/25/16 02:20 AM.

I believe in "Evil, Bad, Ungodly fantasy science and maths", so I am undoubtedly wrong to you.