Originally Posted By: Bill
An increase or decrease in a field? Isn't that pretty much the definition of a wave?

You are technically correct but because its such a slow rate and hence a very low frequency we tend not to call it a wave and a layman never would.

For example the earths magnetic field is weakening, you will find many articles on it. However none will describe it as a wave.

Technically the magnetic field itself is also composed of localized EM waves but again that is simply playing with descriptions as it is clear Paul is talking about field strength variation over time like the earth field variation.

I guess in the same way, a sound is made of waves but it may get louder or softer. We don't describe that as a wave just simply louder or softer sound.

For Paul you question is, if they find gravity waves does that mean your physics is wrong. You seem pretty adamant they won't find them. If they find one, they will will find a lot just based on the size of the universe (I think the predicted rate is around 1 per month, it may even be higher not my area).

For Pokey I read this in your link
"Caveat earlier mentioned: they have engineering runs with blind signals inserted that mimic discoveries. Am told this isn't one," Krauss tweeted.

This guy sounds like a dipstick, as per the previous tests no-one in the team would know that. If the blind testing protocol was broken then the whole result comes into doubt and the "blind test" officers would be instantly sacked. Those test officers will no doubt be admin staff not involved in the analysis teams. There will be some questions asked by the LIGO team who Krauss has been speaking too because he is undermining the whole blind protocol. The protocol is well established in detail here (http://www.ligo.org/news/blind-injection.php).

The Blind Injection Envelope was opened on March 14, 2011 at a joint meeting of the LIGO Scientific Collaboration and the Virgo Collaboration in Arcadia, CA. There were 300 people in the room and another 100 connecting through a video teleconference.

Krauss is implying someone has already opened the letter before the analysis is complete ... a serious NO NO. I seriously doubt anyone in the analysis team even has access to the letter and so I think Krauss is full of it.

Last edited by Orac; 01/15/16 05:09 AM.

I believe in "Evil, Bad, Ungodly fantasy science and maths", so I am undoubtedly wrong to you.