If physical principals work due to the nature of it's creator (such as the toys mentioned, that are created by man) then one must know the creator to be familiar with the purpose of the design as intended by the creator, not necessarily to know the purpose as imagined by the observer. The downfall of the observer from the point of view that is standing outside of the original creative impulse, is the relative ideals assumed thru social conditioning. Whoever claims authority and those who give it, have the affect of claiming reality to be, based on those relative ideals.

All religions are born of followers giving themselves to an authoritative outlook given by the dynamic personality of the one given authority.
Science is similar, with the possible exception that the followers claim sovereignty based on their ability to repeat and experience what the authoritative figure makes claim to.

Most religionists claim the authority stands above the rest because they themselves have not experienced what the authority senses but rather only experience the authority (or the definitions surrounding the authority) which often is good enough for most. With Science this can be true as well.

The foundation of free will is based on the understanding of will, or consciousness.

Physical sciences subscribe to consciousness as an emergent condition due to the conditions of the world and the host/body carrying the brain. It presumes the brain to be like a computer. The programs as well as the operating system are internally created thru chemical makeup and outward conditions.

Spiritual science says the entire universe (all universes actually) is the host as well as a created reflection of consciousness and all physical matter regardless of its appearance. It's linked to consciousness and behaves not just according to it's design, but that each particle is conscious of itself.
In that, self awareness (aware of itself as the manifest and unmanifest) is free to separate itself from anything or everything.., or surrender its unique physical properties with/to the whole, and assume a role in Unity with Consciousness the creator and its relative reflection(s).
In a sense this unity is not like dissolving the reflective qualities of ones unique nature but rather expanding ones nature to the macro-cosmic Self

Jn 8:18 "I am one that bear witness of myself, and the Father that sent me beareth witness of me."

Jn 10:30 "I and my Father are one."

I was addicted to the Hokey Pokey, but then I turned myself around!!