It surprises me that when we venture into the creation v evolution debate we turn only to the Bible. We have in our midst TT, who has obviously thought more broadly, yet neither he nor anyone else, cites things like the quote from the Chandogya Upanishad that seems to link creation with an evolutionary process.

“1 In the beginning, my dear, this was Being alone' one only
without a second. Some people say 'in the beginning this Was non-
being alone, one only; without a second. From that non-being, being
was produced.'
2. But how, indeed, my dear, could it be thus? said he [i.e., the
sage Uddalaka], how could being be produced from non-being? On the
contrary, my dear, in the beginning this was being alone, one only,
without a second.
3. It thought, May I be many, may I grow forth. It sent forth fire.
That fire thought, May I be many, may I grow forth. It sent forth water. . . .
4. That water thought, May I be many, may I grow forth. It sent forth food. . . .”

There never was nothing.