We now routinely tag quantum information (Qubits) into atoms all you now need to do is explain how we could do this in your completely stupid and absurd hypothesis smile

The current state of photon and atom interaction can be described as
Both simple atoms and photons can be described by two quantum states only, e.g. two selected internal states for atoms, two polarization states for photons. In new science language, introduced over the past two decades, such objects are now considered carriers of quantum information where in addition to the pure states (spin up) and (spin down), available for classical bits, too, superposition states play a central role. Trapped atoms store qubits, photons transport qubits from one node to another. A single atom interacting with a single photon is thus not only an elementary process of light matter interaction but also of quantum information science.

Your theory is falsified BY ALL the work and experiments done in the last two decades.

Those paradoxical features make your theory drop dead wrong ... so back to the drawing board for you ... sorry no cigar.

Last edited by Orac; 04/20/15 08:17 AM.

I believe in "Evil, Bad, Ungodly fantasy science and maths", so I am undoubtedly wrong to you.