It is a bit brisk. Not looking forward to December and January. I've had the heater on all day in here, and it is up to 70 F (about 20C). I did get out yesterday, Main Street was covered with ice and snow-pack, and the entrance to the town is a hill about 30 degrees slope, so it's a stiff climb. Luckily the hill faces East, and the sun had melted the ice and snow off of it by this afternoon when I had to get out. Yesterday it was cold enough the de-icer fluid was freezing at the corners where the wipers pushed it off the windshield. Today all the ice was off the car. On the plus side, I don't have to stick the turkey in the freezer, I can just leave it on the porch until it's time to bring it in to thaw.

I feel for you with the heat. My handy thermometer says that 40 degrees C is about 104 F. We had some of that last Summer. Not looking forward to more of the same next year. I hope you will get some rain. We need rain, too, but with this arctic air mass just hovering over us, we're getting the cold but not the precipitation. And yes, I do believe it is caused by global climate warming. If this keeps up I'll have to take up quilting to keep warm. ;-)

If you don't care for reality, just wait a while; another will be along shortly. --A Rose