Originally posted by Rusty Rockets:
Originally posted by DA Morgan:
Mike ... the one gun is for firing warning shots: Missles don't miss.
Except scuds...

Or was that down to the operators?
Hehe....for firing warning shots Daniel, huh Now why didnt I think of that?
Except that single gun (its 4.5 inches) can fire a shell 20 miles.
Some distance when you think we had two very heavy 18" guns at Dover, in WWII, called "Winnie" an "Pooh" that lobbed a 2 ton shell just 20 miles. Shells were so heavy they took 10 minutes to load.

Re- those Scuds, Rusty.
You're right, notoriously innacurate old Russian technology. One missed Israel completely, coming down in a Kuwait car park.
Even Cruise missiles, have/or had a problem, they cannot fly far over flat desert, since they need a terrain to lock onto and follow.

I have just read that the British Type 45 Cruiser uses Electric propulsion, published speed quoted, is 30 knots. Ill bet its true speed will be faster, since Navys never quote real speed. Same for nuclear subs. No one knows their true real speed. However when the British nuclear submarine was ordered to go to the Falklands to attack the Battleship 'Belgrano' It covered the 7500 miles from the North Atlantic in 3 days, underwater.


"You will never find a real Human being - Even in a mirror." ....Mike Kremer.