Well there's no Fossil like an old fossil, especially when its a Goverment minister.
********* laugh
But Soilguy (above) has got it right.
The most amazing fossil is called 'Rose of Jericho' or 'Resurrection plant' or 'Dinosaur Plant' the original genus 'Lepidodendron' was tree size and eaten by Dinosaurs millions of years ago

It still lives today, in the deserts of Mexico Israel and Egypt. It survives, unseen for hundreds of years without water, shrivelled brown, and appearing dead.
But give it water and it springs into life within 24 hours, growing green and maturing to the size of a large egg cup. If it dries out, it just curls up and 'dies' for another few hundred years.

These amazing plants are sometimes found for sale, due to their unique ability to live, die, and live indefinately for hundreds even thousands of years. Very easy to keep

I have found sites which sells them for a few dollars each....well worth buying if you are really interested.
To buy in UK

Buy in USA
smile smile wink :p :rolleyes:


"You will never find a real Human being - Even in a mirror." ....Mike Kremer.