
I read what I could in your post , but was unwilling to
click on the link you provided.

therefore , I highly doubt that the information in your post
is credible or verified.

my browser does have search capabilities that are not
biased according to my search history.

if you search for "CRAP" a few times with a product
enhanced search engine then all you will ever get
is "CRAP" targeted web sites when ever you do a search !!!


Eight Ebola patients in Nigeria

#1 on search results page.

Nodding his head, Lusenii Bayor says he's happy to go home following weeks of treatment at the ELWA -Medicine Sans Frontieres Isolation Center, one of the largest Ebola treatment center in the country.

He and eight other patients who contracted the deadly Ebola virus joyfully left the Ebola center as several other Ebola patients stood and watch them leave their tents.





#6 your link from the web site called YAHOO!!!

Im not saying that the above 8 patients are the same
8 that were given the experimental nano silver treatment

and now it seems that the FDA has began calling nano silver
a pesticide , which brings my trust level in the FDA
down from me being able to pick up a aircraft carrier and toss
it all the way to the moon to me being able to pick up the entire
sixth fleet along with all air wings and toss them to Jupiter.

I cant do that wink so obviously I cant trust the FDA.

if the FDA wants to concern itself with pesticides , I have
several of the top name brand pesticides in my utility room
that I use to prop the door.

that's all they are good for , I haven't tried the nano silver
as a pesticide yet.

but it would be nice to have a pesticide.

3/4 inch of dust build up on the moon in 4.527 billion years,LOL and QM is fantasy science.