It has always been thought that leafy plants and forests decrease Global Warming by sequestering Carbon Dioxide.
A frightening recent discovery has now shown the unthinkable. Leafy plants and forests exhale Methane!
Methane has always been thought to be produced by
Bacteria, Microbes, Animals, burping cows, humans, and other living organisms. But never by growing plants, that is until a startling discovery was made a few weeks ago.
Plants exhale methane, a product never included in the oxygen/carbon dioxide/photosynthesis gas exchange of plants, and thus was never looked for.
It now looks as though Methane figures concerning Global Warming will have to be revised to take into account the planting and cutting down of vegetation.
High levels of Methane a Greenhouse Warming gas that trap the heat of the Sun has been found in Brazilian Amazon, which gave rise to the discovery.
Very Interesting read below.


"You will never find a real Human being - Even in a mirror." ....Mike Kremer.