...or you could just do the calculations for Mars, the same way we do for Earth:

We calculated the effective radiating temperature for Earth in class, as summarized in the above notes. Let's do the same for Mars.
Here is the information we have:
the albedo on Mars is A = 0.22,
and the solar flux reaching Mars is equal to 593 W/m2.
Gosh Paul, "Solar radiation incident on the Earth's disk [is] (1370 Watts per square meter)...."

That difference, between 1370 and 593 Watts, might be a factor to consider also.

...as well as the huge difference in atmospheric pressures, for each planet.

But, do you know for sure that the CO2 on Mars hasn't made Mars warmer (than Mars would be without the CO2) ...like greenhouse gases do...
This effective temperature of 255 K is the temperature the Earth's Surface would have if it didn't have an atmosphere. It would be awfully cold! In reality, the Earth's surface temperature is closer to 288 K (15 °C, 59 °F). This difference of 33 K is the magnitude of the greenhouse effect.
...here on Earth.


Pyrolysis creates reduced carbon! ...Time for the next step in our evolutionary symbiosis with fire.