Originally Posted By: Revlgking
I have learned NOT to waste time and energy trying to have a dialogue,or a DEBATE with people who fear being known as real people--whose location is "everywhere and nowhere". smile

Is your G~Õ~D not everywhere, and nowhere specifically? Or is your God specifically sequestered in the idealisms of your personal reality? Is your G~Õ~D represented by title and circumstance or does your G~Õ~D reveal itself thru the merits of its reality?

Personally I don't think the subject matter within any discussion need rely on the pomp and circumstance of egoic self made claims to fame and glory in order to validate the topic at hand.
I believe the subject matter might have some interest in and of itself, rather than the sole purpose of all subject matter be used to bolster the self worth of the speaker of opinion and to polish the self appointed badges of glory worn by the opinionated speaker.

Narcissism is not my thing. The Fact that you know nothing about me really bothers you. You've done nothing but complain of this as a major issue of worth when it comes to whatever dialogue comes of someone. Without some measure of predetermined worth in your mind, a person without title and background is a person without worth.
Ces't la vie.
Your prejudice and judgment is not an issue I fret over.
Your stresses are self imposed and it's not my concern that you are old enough to have figured out that your attachments to what others do, or what they might or might not look like in order to fit into the mold of your personal G~Õ~D is solely of your own design and making.

Age doesn't account for wisdom.. cool

I was addicted to the Hokey Pokey, but then I turned myself around!!