I just don't like the idea of drinking toxic waste
when I drink water.

I also don't like getting aluminum mixed in with the water when I boil water tainted with toxic fluoride on the stove
in a aluminum pot.

or when I make a pot of coffee or ice tea or cook some
grits or when I cook anything that contains water in a
can because canned foods almost always contain city
water that also has the toxic fluorine chemicals delivered
in the can.

I don't use aluminum pots.

to reduce my chances of toxin uptake , I drain the can
of all the water in it.

then I add distilled water to the pot to cook with.

the PH level of my distilled water is around 5.5 - 5.8
this is a acidic level.

city water has a PH level of around 7.0 neutral.

I add a small amount of baking soda to the distilled water
to bring the PH level of the water to around
7.0 which is neutral.

city water pipes aren't the cleanest things in the world
if you ever get a chance to look inside one , take a barf
bag with you , you should also get to smell it , for the
full effect.

heres a picture of what your homes city water supply
looks like when heated in your water heater.

what is all of that?

makes you wonder if washing dishes in hot water is still
a good idea...

3/4 inch of dust build up on the moon in 4.527 billion years,LOL and QM is fantasy science.