Dear Orac

Forum in my situation is only one way how I can public my Idea
i hope it will be inspiration for peole who are testing
3 stars system or prepare other tests.

look below post has got two parts

part 1 - old physics
part 2 - new ...very fresh idea faster than gravitation

Part 1

basic info about photography .

How works camera ?

bulb ---- 5 meters ----- camera 1

bulb -----------------------25 m -----------------camera 2

camera 1 register brightness of picture X
camera 2 register brightness of picture 1/25 X

If photograph will change time of picture

camera 1 set picture's time 1 sec
camera 2 set picture's time 25 sec

camera 1 will register the same
brightness of picture what camera 2

brightness of picture = Energy div by area !!!

and above problem

light ??? where is energy right now ? where will be energy after short time ? motion ?

Perpendicular test

Laser f 120 000 000 Hz
power 1 watt
during time T light made distance "a"
How many new positions in space has got laser during time T ?
laser is inside rocket ( rocket's motion is constant )

Light has got angle ( it is not FLAT LINE !!! 3D shape !!! )

How Michelson Morley cuted Beam ? how works mirror ?

Parallel test Poland 2012 in my home

( very important is graph explain absolute motion - energy ca n not touch the screen or area is very huge )

above I tested in home

camera ----Bulb----camera >>> 30 km/s

light is going isotropy respect to point where bulb was in past

Bulb and cameras are roped to Earth soo ...

light is going isotropy respect to point where bulb was in past
there is no local space deformation !!!

exist only Inverted Square Law problem !!!

exist also aberration ( J.Bradley 1730 ) BUT WE AND STAR ARE MOVING not ONLY STAR RESPECT TO US or WE RESPECT TO STARS !!!!!!

please study below animation ( we AND star are moving )

In my test in home I'm sure that camera and bulb are moving with the same speed. I not invented nothing new
please use all infrmations and methods of the observation like right now use astronomers but we waching on star
that is very close to Earth and have to have Earth's velocity

EARTH --camera 1 >>>>> motion

please think about doppler ??? why we have rings ? respect to what we have rings in space ??


Part 2


mass M and motion and gravitation .


New physics ? Airplane can escape from own SOUND (escape from wave that made engine in past )

Marosz - Mass M can escape from own gravitation !!!!

huge speed mass M and motion


p1......p2...............p3................M ---->

if p1--p2 = p2--p3 we have constant V
if p1--p2 < p2------p3 we have acceleration

it is new classical mechanic problem !!!

Where mass m will feel mass M ?

....mass m ??

if mass M is very fast ?
where mass m will go
( gravitation's forces between mass M and m ) ??????? )

Intensity of the signal ( Inverted square law ) ?????

VERY IMPORTANT NEWS !!!!!!!! MASS M CAN MAKE WORK !!! BUT MASS M WIIL NOT SLOWN DOWN !!!! FOR MASS M it is not important what will happen with signals that mass M already emited in past . !!!

PERPETUUM MOTION I type MODEL ( please thing about big bang )!!! THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT NEWS !!!
THIS IS MAROSZ fresh IDEA !!! The universe will rise up infinity

big bang -- m mass - M ------> V>G

Mass M was first will never stop !!! for mass M past not exist
mass M is going faster that gravitation !!! her old position is important for other masses . Other masses are going step by step tu points where mass M was in past .

Galactics = mass m ???
Galactics that we knew accelerate ( 1930 Tolman's test brightness test )

mass m step by step accelerate ( feel forces impulse from points where mass M was in past )

BR to all people that like physics

Maciej Marosz Engineer from Poland I live I work I create
I'm only 33 years old

below my patents and brave design vision and physics
imagination is all what poeople need to create .

Last edited by newton; 01/08/14 10:32 PM.