m1----S-----m2 >>>> constant motion

m1----S-----m2 >>>>>>>> constant acceleration

What if the Sun will stop give light

mass m1 or m2 will be first who recognize problem

do You have problem to evaluate perpendicular situation ?

smile smile
I have nice theory ZERO light we have classical mechanic
exist light we have Eistein ( sun work like LED )??:)

Paradox half /half = very universal model everyone can buy it ?

I see small problem Mr E

constant acceleration and constant motion and constant speed C

constant ? what mean word constant ?

I have to ask NASA - they have experst who like ASTROPHYSICS - they have some new definition for this world ?

( constant*constant*constant = idiot *idiot *idiot )

idiot respect to what everything is moving

constant acceleration idiot !!!


Last edited by newton; 11/19/13 07:35 AM.