pro as in professional.

vacation as in vacation.

as in professionalism took a vacation.

as in Amaranth Rose II

of course you would have had to watch the full video in order
to understand that.

maybe I need to elaborate a little further so the
intellectuals will comprehend.

there was no 5 meter law in existence.
hundreds of People were harassed , strong armed , beaten , arrested , humiliated , and tortured ( threatened with rape ) because of the vacation that the professionalism of the Toronto police force was taking.

but the police force was so brave when there were only a hand full of protesters remaining.

watch the video if you like reality , if you dont like to watch reality just wait awhile it will show up on your doorstop if people dont stop it before it gets there.

3/4 inch of dust build up on the moon in 4.527 billion years,LOL and QM is fantasy science.