2^5 = 32

7^2 = 49

3^4 = 81

X^m + Y^n = Z^r

2^5 + 7^2 = 3^4

32 + 49 = 81

The idea is to look for whole number solutions to this equation where the solution values for x, y, and z have no common factor (i.e., there is no whole number greater than 1 that divides each of x, y, and z). Beal has conjectured that if the exponents m, n, and r are all greater than 2, then his equation has no such solution for x, y, and z.

This year, (1997) Beal's prize stands at $5,000. Thereafter, it will increase by $5,000 each year for every year the problem remains unsolved, up to a limit of $50,000, the same amount as the Wolfskehl Prize when it was finally awarded.

theres some math you should consider.

16 years x $5,000 = only $80,000

unless its been increased.

3/4 inch of dust build up on the moon in 4.527 billion years,LOL and QM is fantasy science.