1000 mph , wouldn't that set up a shock wave that travels
in front of the vehicle?

the shock wave kicking up sand or whatever is loose on the surface.

the nose of the craft looks as if it would channel any kicked up
material directly into the intake of the jet engine.

maybe they have filters.

after the shock wave set's up will it have enough air traveling over the vehicle surface area pushing down on the vehicle
to hold the vehicle on the ground?

ie , keep it from launching!

I wish them luck , but I hope they have planned an unmanned mission first.

1000 mph = mach 1.314

heres a video of the nose of a test vehicle in a wind tunnel
at mach 0.8 to mach 1.1

you can clearly see the bow wave forming in front of the test vehicle.

3/4 inch of dust build up on the moon in 4.527 billion years,LOL and QM is fantasy science.