Perhaps the hunter evolved because the hunted evolved.

Most four legged herbivores look as though they were slow, easier for the two legged carnivores to catch (which is why herbivores had to have defenses such as horns and "armor").

But now, most herbivores are four legged and fast. It seems now that most carnivores are four legged, simply because they evolved that way. It seems to me that when it comes to speed that having four legs is an advantage, after all, when was the last time you could out run a rabbit?

So the shape is simply making both the predator and prey faster. Plus if you ezamine carnivorous dinosaurs, they were hunched over, which is sort of the same shape as a four legged animal.

I think some of what I said last might of contridicted some of things i stated early in my post. If this is so then take it easy on my, it was late and this is my first post here. I have to say I feel a little intimidated by some of what you guys (and gals) are saying.