I don't think it's necessarily a problem with too many guns.
Canada has 0.34 guns per person and 9 people per square kilometer.
USA has 0.89 guns per person and 84 people per square kilometer.

I think it's proximity. If I were to wander around the USA for any length of time... Being surrounded all the time, bumping and jostling... I'd wanna shoot someone too.

Regardless, what pisses me off the most; is the blame game.

Why blame the shooter, when you can blame his mother? Or his 'disorder'? Or his religion? Or any number of totally bull$#!t excuses.

Blaming guns for all the deaths, is like blaming printing presses for all the books.

Guns don't kill people. People kill people. Sometimes people kill with no reason. Sometimes people are hired, trained, and sent to other countries to kill innocent people. A killer is a killer is a killer.

Canadian here with 5 guns to my name. Never killed a human being.

Also, 1812 does count, 'cause the white house burned. Brits did very little, but them metis and natives, they went sick house on the americans. That portion is usually left out of history books, as it tends to be a bit gory, and psychotic. Also, they didn't use very many guns in the invasion. They crept in the night, and slaughtered men women and children as they slept.

I don't think USA has been invaded for one simple reason: Where's the profit?
USA has pretty well nothing other countries desire. Even the steel industry that was world renowned is dead. Made in america is pretty well a joke to the rest of the world. If you're not into being a corporate shill making 10x what you're worth, there's not much draw. Canada is much the same, but at least we have raw resources.
There ya go, why invade USA, when you can invade Canada?
More space, more resources, less resistance... crap. I for one welcome our new asian overlords...

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