And spot on Bill Gill.

Under GR/SR and all normal physics time is standard so lets say look at one of the standard equations of motion

Final velocity = Initial velocity + acceleration * time

or as we usually see it

v = u +at

Acceleration being positive or negative or time being positive or negative makes no difference you get the right answer so long as we have no other interactions.

What they are saying is this sort of time constancy is not holding at the low QM level energy exchanges that should be symmetrical aren't.

If QM knows the direction of time it would be the first thing we have found that does and the question then arises is it involved in it or is it simply reacting to it but most of all we know time is something tangible and that changes everything.

For those of you who really want to get under the hood I link Lubos's thread on the result and he explains why this really can't be the source of time directionality as such but it is evidence of what QM has been saying for a decade now that time is real and has to be for QM to work.

Last edited by Orac; 11/20/12 01:47 AM.

I believe in "Evil, Bad, Ungodly fantasy science and maths", so I am undoubtedly wrong to you.