Bill S you are getting very very good at understanding

Under GR/SR yes if you opened a wormhole to 2 different time locals and then view from one direction because time is backward we would have negative energy. The negative term however as you deduce is indeed simply directional because of time.

Lets now move to QM and bring in the higgs if we say mass is produced by interaction with the higgs as like a drag (which is how it is viewed) then if you had something that was repulsed by the higgs it would appear to have negative mass and because of that negative energy but again it is simply directional.

So now lets really stretch you and the original poster think hard about this question


Initially that may sound like a very unscientific argument but we have another thing in our everyday that works very similar we call it money on curreny.

If I was to ask you what currency is and what it's value was you will find you end up in a tricky answer that currency is nothing more than an intrisinc value we agree upon to trade. It has no real value and no definition other than that which we give it and it simply enables us to measure and quantify transactions.

You will note with currency we end up talking of forms of currency and derive equations for equality of the various forms.

Now think about it energy is exactly the same I can't show you raw energy what I can show you is forms of energy and derive equations for the equality of those energy forms.

Without getting into very complicated mathematics and science I hope I have shown you that energy is no more or less real than currency it is only real in a human sense of quantifying transactions.

It's also interesting you can't have negative currency, you either have currency or owe currency the negative sign is simply a direction statement.

Many have probably not thought about energy in this way but I think you can see it is none the less accurate.

Last edited by Orac; 09/10/12 01:51 PM.

I believe in "Evil, Bad, Ungodly fantasy science and maths", so I am undoubtedly wrong to you.