Just how might you record the written word for posterity?

No point in stone chiselled Hieroglyphics, it might last for ten thousand years, but no information
No point in using a wax cylinder, they went out with
No point in using a wire recorder, that went out before
you were born.
The same with tape recorders.
No point in using 78 phonograph records, or even 45's or
33 1/3, they became obsolete in your teenage years.
How about CD's, DVD's, and Blue ray...Well yes the storage
density is going up all the time, but even DVD's have
only got a guaranteed limited shelf life of approx 50 years, thats if you still have the equipment, and someone
around who knows how to play them back.
What about GigaByte Memory sticks.....better.
Wrapped them in lead foil against cosmic ray bombardment, and keep them cold, they might last a couple of hundred years (my guesstimate) before metal wiskers and substrate deteriation sets in.And you will still need the Audio visual 'puter equipment to be able to play the info back.

So could it ever be possible to store the worlds information, for not thousands of years, but Millennia, and read it back?I'm talking forever here.

Storage forever? Yes, and here is the man who believes he
can do it.
His name is George E. Church, an American Professor of
Molecular Genetics. A pioneer in Synthetic Biology, and
Synthetic Life, friend of Craig Venter.

Just this May, Venter and Church successfully inserted a fully
customized strand of DNA into a living cell, creating what
they call the "first synthetic genome."

Church says he will soon be able to create synthetic meat to feed the starving millions, grow waterproof cotton and produce bananas that stay ripe for months without rotting.

And if you think producing synthetic food for millions is
wonderful, how about this.

He has produced a book that has archived
all its 53,426 words in DNA, which has just passed a proof
of concept test.....No its not the Classic book 'Moby
Dick', but it could have been.
This book was encoded in DNA stored in a test tube, and
successfully read again afterwards. Reading the book was
slightly more difficult than operating a Kindle e-reader.
This was a book written in oligonucleotides demonstrates, an
in vitro, DNA-based system for archiving and retrieving

DNA is an ideal data storage material. It can be stable
for millennia, even readable when damaged.

Meaning since human DNA has existed unchanged for hundreds of thousands of years, probably millions,
George Church he has stored his book virtually forever.
Unlike any other storage material, the equipment for
reading and writing DNA data—polymerases and nucleotides won’t be obsolete anytime soon.

First read all about this Honoured super genius Professor and all his achievements here in Wiki:-


...and now read about how he will store information forever:-


Last edited by Mike Kremer; 08/28/12 12:22 AM. Reason: duplicated


"You will never find a real Human being - Even in a mirror." ....Mike Kremer.