Originally Posted By: paul

are you saying that when the atom absorbs the photon its mass does not increase?

Oh it does but it's fractional and it loses that extra mass when it re-emits the photon as it must eventually.

I realise from your answer below you don't accept that.

Originally Posted By: paul

I want to hear your reason why you think the below is true.

you can not simply keep absorbing photon in an atom and exciting it thousand upon thousands of times.

It's a fact you can't I have linked it twice but you choose to ignore it.

You can explain it all so lets stick with your explaination not worry about what I think because I am wrong remember.

So my question is there a limit to how many photons an atom can absorb I mean it must start getting really really heavy eventually and that leads to the question

How much does the atom weight at absolute zero then?

You still have not addressed this issue for me

"4) the atom cools due to its lower frequency."

Explain what the deal with the lower frequency is sorry it's not obvious to me.

I believe in "Evil, Bad, Ungodly fantasy science and maths", so I am undoubtedly wrong to you.