Newtonian physics says that when Temperature = 0 Kelvin, the motion of particles
is stoped.
And this is correct.
Quantum physics says that when Temperature = 0 Kelvin there is some kind of particle motion .
And this is correct too.
does one part of physics contradict another part of physics? Is this a paradox?
No, this is not a paradox.
How then is it possible to understand this situation?
My opinion is that Newtonian physics and Quantum physics are two different parts of
the same Physics (Physics as a Whole).
These two parts of Physics both explain the behavior of particles.
Newtonian physics explains / describes the particles which have
mass and energy and speed : c<1.
Quantum physics explains / describes the particles which have
mass and energy and speed : c=1 and c>1.
As a result of this situation QED tries clearly and logically to explain
the interaction between Newtonian and Quantum particles.
entanglement between the light and the mirror
should be observable, Mavalvala said.
that would make a nice picture to post up!