I am sorry Socratus as the two above have explained your information is almost 20 years out of date.



M-theory attempts to unify the five string theories by examining certain identifications and dualities. Thus each of the five string theories become special cases of M-theory.

SO there is only ONE string theory now and it is certainly NOT accepted as the mainstream physics view.

Infact it is under seige from QM and the results from the Higgs.

As we said if you care to discuss things we can perhaps explain things because you have got so many basic things wrong.

You might try asking simple questions rather than posting long quotes that are garbled from multiple sources. If you are trying to look like you understand WE KNOW YOU DON'T because you keep making a mess of the quotes.

So your title is wrong YOU may not understand QM but that is not true of science.

Last edited by Orac; 07/31/12 05:40 PM.

I believe in "Evil, Bad, Ungodly fantasy science and maths", so I am undoubtedly wrong to you.