
the old expandable forum was nice and easier to type into.
but the sidebars and the tools the forum now has kind of
makes up for it.

I've noticed that the forum just dies off when theres nothing interesting being discussed , so I try to think of stuff that
will light a fire under the other members arses to get things rollin again.

not long ago we were having around 150-190 online most of the time , but that momentum is slowly trickling downward again.

maybe the forum is dying from lack of interest.

this blame posting form is my main biotch because its so small
you have to keep editing the result to try and get a post or reply to look decent.

maybe I'll find a better forum myself...
thing is I dont last long in most forums usually Im banned within a week or so.

at least this forum shows its honesty because it does not shove things under the rug by banning its members who post controversial subject matter.

and its been a long time since the forum just broke and all the free energy stuff became a portion of rug history.

so maybe I'll just hang around awhile.

3/4 inch of dust build up on the moon in 4.527 billion years,LOL and QM is fantasy science.