Assuming that rate kept constant and as usual with all pressure things it won't it will drop away.

Assuming will not slow the acceleration of ice melt.
and to assume that the rate of ice melt will stay constant is hardly feasible.

the more ice that melts the more water that forms on top of the ice , this melted water collects heat from the sun more rapidly.

because of its color / its ability to reflect light is removed and its ability to collect and store heat from the sun is increased.

acceleration does not mean constant.
a constant acceleration at a given rate of the ice melt is not possible.

pressure will not remain constant.
the amount of pressure that is released from the underlying bedrock will also be accelerating but not at a constant rate of acceleration.

the faster the ice melts the quicker the land rebounds.

3/4 inch of dust build up on the moon in 4.527 billion years,LOL and QM is fantasy science.