A lot of people have suggested that coal seam fracking is responsible

could be , I dont know.
I do know that they use steam cracking methods to get
hydrogen out of coal.

which is simply passing steam over a bed of coal.

This point of view interests me as it is proposed to mine using this technique in much of Australia, and has started in Queensland already.

I just dont get it , you guys in OZ have an enormous fresh water supply sitting in the largest ever found aquifer.
over 1.7 million km^2


fresh water that is valued on the global market well over what you could possibly get out of equal weights of coal.

not to mention the cost difference of bringing water to the surface vs coal.

yet 1 slip up and all that fresh water could be ruined.

here in the U.S. its not unusual for someone to pay well
over $1.00 U.S. for a 6 oz bottle of water.

but you stick a OZ label on that same bottle and fill it with
that aquifer water and you could easily get $2.00 for it.

oy ! heres a way to get the water to the ships.


cool , clear , water


3/4 inch of dust build up on the moon in 4.527 billion years,LOL and QM is fantasy science.