The last 16 years include
the 15 HOTTEST years.

So the 15 hottest years (on record) occurred in the last 16 years;

but some folk still claim that global warming is a hoax.

If you include 2011 (which was apparently the tenth warmest year on record) you can say that the last 17 years, include the 16 hottest years on record.

But remember, according to some, global warming is not, and never will be, a problem.

Here are the anomalies in an easy to copy format:

         The last 16 years include the 15 hottest years on record.

     Overall Temperatures   Land Temperatures      Ocean Temperatures

        Year    Anomaly        Year    Anomaly        Year    Anomaly

     1  2010    +0.6441     1  2007    +1.0524     1  2003    +0.5175
     2  2005    +0.6401     2  2010    +1.0314     2  1998    +0.5136
     3  1998    +0.6212     3  2005    +1.0154     3  2010    +0.4987
     4  2003    +0.6066     4  1998    +0.9005     4  2005    +0.4973
     5  2002    +0.5970     5  2002    +0.8857     5  2009    +0.4920
     6  2006    +0.5859     6  2006    +0.8769     6  2002    +0.4871
     7  2009    +0.5835     7  2003    +0.8385     7  2004    +0.4851
     8  2007    +0.5780     8  2009    +0.8269     8  2006    +0.4752
     9  2004    +0.5648     9  2008    +0.8196     9  1997    +0.4553
    10  2001    +0.5372    10  2004    +0.7747    10  2001    +0.4465
    11  1997    +0.5070    11  2001    +0.7721    11  2007    +0.4006
    12  2008    +0.5009    12  1995    +0.7296    12  2008    +0.3808
    13  1995    +0.4382    13  1999    +0.7237    13  2000    +0.3499
    14  1999    +0.4380    14  1997    +0.6412    14  1990    +0.3299
    15  2000    +0.4151    15  2000    +0.5830    15  1999    +0.3285

The anomalies measure the difference from the 20th century average (1901-2000).

Earth formed from a collision

Plate-tectonics is wrong