Oh reverend... smile
When there is At-ONE-ment how can there seriously be any victims?

People create their own realities.

Without the living, breathing experience of the ONE within all thoughts feeling and actions, one feels they are victims to the world outside of themselves, and yet, it is just their personal identification with that which they see as separate from the Self, due to the personal idolization of what they believe God/perfection to look like.

The body is an extension of the mind...., and the world.., an extension of the body..

All you experience is created by you... well your consciousness...
The ego which is conditioned thru beliefs and isms, filters what is created into dualistic perceptions of belief. There is nothing other than your Self..The One consciousness.
When you take up arms against the world outside of you, you take up arms against your own creative impulses thru the illusions of separation from your Self.
Helplessness (an illusion based on fear) is simply ignorance of reality and the connection to ones own Consciously created reflections of thought based on beliefs or experience.

Preachers who speak of the Good, and conversely look for evil, find evil in and amongst the determined personal identifications of good and evil.(The duality of the ego)

The Good news is... It's all good and it's all God.

That is Unity, (not necessarily Unitheism).

I was addicted to the Hokey Pokey, but then I turned myself around!!