Originally Posted By: finiter

I have made my presence in the 'science forums' only recently. In one forum, I posted it in the speculative forum as per the guidelines. However no serious discussions were forthcoming. In another forum (which boasted in its guidelines that you can send any new ideas because we do not know what will happen in another 100 years), I sent an extract, and they just prevented me from logging on for a week with out giving a chance for me to argue. What an open discussion they have!

As I have explained finiter you are going to get that unless you change your tact, it's not that they aren't open to discussion in there view there is nothing to discuss.

I fear you are going to get this response from any science community.

Science communities will discuss invasion from mars, teleportation, time travel and all manner of whacky stuff.

What they won't tolerate is denial of knowledge or observations or insistance a theory is right without overwhelming evidence and observation.

Last edited by Orac; 11/23/11 03:14 AM.

I believe in "Evil, Bad, Ungodly fantasy science and maths", so I am undoubtedly wrong to you.