Originally Posted By: babinkaman
Will human life, assisted with technology, bring eventual ruin to nature?

In my opinion, 'NO'. We are born here. We are not 'just created' to exist in this environment; we evolved out of the environment present here. So we cannot do anything to the environment (nature). All our actions including the acquiring of knowledge and technology are allowed by nature, are part of the nature. The idea that we can tamper with the nature is incorrect; we are just powerless to do that.

We may, out of greed, destroy ourselves. However, that does not mean that we ruined nature. The nature includes both the living and nonliving things. Among the living things, the bacteria and virus far outnumber humans. Wiping out the whole of the living beings by the humans is impossible, even if we purposefully try to do so.

We humans have lived a sustainable life from the very beginning. Now, glob-trotting, space travel, etc have become sustainable and so we do it. Gradually, these may become unsustainable if we cannot find any alternate source of energy. However, our ability to survive will not be affected (unless nature decides so) and we will again lead a sustainable life (perhaps with wind mills and animal driven carts).