Are you saying that the Ice at the Arctic is melting faster
or is more ice melting during the same time frame?

or has the time frame increased and this is the reason more ice is melting?

has the Arctic summer period become more hotter than normal?

from the looks of the above graph , the time period has also increased along with the increase of ice melt.

this is evident by drawing a line through the different levels in the graph.

indicating longer melt periods.

which should be a major concern.

2008 was a active year for volcanic activity which may have induced the cooling trend in the arctic resulting in more ice in the arctic in 2009.

google search for 2008 volcano eruption

2007 4.30 1.66 -10.2
2008 4.67 1.80 -11.1
2009 5.36 2.07 -11.2
2010 4.90 1.89 -11.6
2011 4.61 1.78 -12.0
1979 to 2000 average 7.04 2.72
1979 to 2010 average 6.52 2.52

which would explain the 0.69 increase from 2008 - 2009
in contrast to the 0.37 increase from 2007 - 2008

of course an active year of volcanic activity
is most likely due to the warming effects of
global warming , so increased volcanic activity
is to be expected again as soon as the cooling
wears off and the planet heats up yet again.

from the looks of it the rebounding has already
brought us back to 2008 levels.

but after all its a rebounding effect so it will fluctuate.

we should all hope that there are more volcano
eruptions that will cool the earth again , one
thing we really dont want is to have the earth
get too hot because then there might be a massive
eruption , hopefully not at the antarctic and
especially not at yellowstone.

I would think it would be a good idea for those
scientist to inject sulfur into the atmosphere
if we start getting too warm again.

scientist discuss injecting sulfur into atmosphere in 2006 to battle global warming

3/4 inch of dust build up on the moon in 4.527 billion years,LOL and QM is fantasy science.