Being honest, did many of us think that computers would become so ubiquitous and so all-encompassing in our lives twenty five years ago? It seems so natural to be using computers to run our homes and type out our thoughts that we take them for granted. Yet each of us has literally at our fingertips more computing power than put men on the moon and brought them safely back again. My coffeemaker can be prgrammed to have coffee, fresh and hot, ready when I wake every day. It used to be that the only way to have that was to have a parent or spouse who got up early enough to make coffee for you. Now your coffee maker can be programmed to do it for you and obligingly tell you what time it is as well so you know how late you are. smile

Given the strides computers have made in the last 25 years, I would not be surprised to see the momentum of discovery carry on to new and yet unvisioned heights. Human life in a computer brain is imaginable; it could become reality. I think 25 years IS a bit optimistic, but maybe not. I'd like to be around then to see. It will be interesting to say the least. wink