Today is my last day so I answer your questions :
Zero only exists in maths; nothingness cannot exist in the physical, real world.
REP: Zero by deifintion is Mathematical its interpretation is Physical.Now we have seen the Reality is nothing but extension of Mathematical Groups existing in Physical Dimesions.
Zero therefore has a meaning in its nothingness sense. The property of Nothing is not know.. that is the next piece of puzzle we will solve when I come back.
To get from 1 to 2 you would have to go through an infinite amount of decimal numbers. To get from 1 to zero you would have to do the same, you would never actually reach zero.
REP:We will not use that reasoning becuase in involves another complicated term infinity..
Thats why 0 and infintiy are so important in our discussions.We are essentially debating 0's and infinities.Thanks to Quantum Physics we understand some part of it.
I think you've finally answered my question. You seem to believe that the universe is 'everything'. Obviously you do not support the multiple universe theory.
REP:the Universe contains all the possible Universes.See m-theory and decide yourself.
Tell me this then, if the universe is expanding, what is it expanding into?
REP: It is expanding into itself.
And how can infinity expand at all?
REP: Wait till I come back. I will give you an detailed answer. It will be a bold declaration.
There is nothing called as Infinity and there is nothing called as 0 as understood by us.It exists with a different meaning and it is much more exotic than what we havbe understood.
Meanwhile are there any guesses???
Hint: You get the answer in my Theory.