Originally Posted By: Amaranth Rose II
The language of this forum is English. Please find some English language translations of your articles to post. The members of this forum cannot be expected to read every language under the sun.

A. Rose,
My posts are in plain English.
When I was posting in English and the page on my site was in English too, some readers, and if I remember well you were one of them, complained about some small errors of grammars, though the ideas were clear.
Now it is your problem how to deal with the original Romanian page, and I assure you there are no grammatical errors there.
I am not interested to translate in the near future my personal page in English. I will prefer to translate first in Chinese, French, Spanish and later...
So, you can ban me for further posting.
I do this task only to have a proof that my theory and proposed experiments are not hidden under the carpet, and there are about 300 groups where I post usually.
This is beside my forum on elkadot where more then 2000 member have been subscribed.