Does an Absolute Infinite Frame of Reference exist?
The detected material mass of the matter in the Universe
( the cosmological constant / the critical density of Uuniverse)
is so small (the average density of all substance in the
Universe is approximately p=10^-30 g/sm^3 ) that it cannot
‘close’ the Universe into sphere and therefore our Universe
as whole must be ‘open’, endless
The Universe as whole is Empty.
But the Emptiness isn’t emptiness because it is filled with
dark matter and dark energy : ‘ 90% or more of the matter
in the Universe is unseen / dark.’
Now (!) the physicists think that the Universe as whole
the Absolute Frame of Reference of the Universe is: T=2,7K .
( Nobel Prize in Physics 1978 for discovery
of cosmic microwave background radiation). (!)
It means the Universe as whole has negative parameter,
it is negative temperature, it is Kingdom of Coldness.
Only Minkowski spacetime continuum has negative parameter.
Therefore I say the Minkowski spacetime continuum is model of Vacuum.
The parameter T=2,7K is not constant. It is temporal.
In the future ( in the Future- ? ?) it will come to T=0K.
What is a vacuum ?
The empty space between stars ( Galaxies )
Is this space really empty?
. . . . .
Although we are used to thinking of empty space as containing
nothing at all, and therefore having zero energy, the quantum
rules say that there is some uncertainty about this. Perhaps each
tiny bit of the vacuum actually contains rather a lot of energy.
If the vacuum contained enough energy, it could convert this
into particles, in line with E-Mc^2.
/ Book: Stephen Hawking. Pages 147-148.
According to QED Electron in interaction with vacuum has
infinity parameters ( energy, mass …etc )
Physicists do not understand what to do with infinite sizes,
and therefore they have invented "a method of renormalization",
The method of renormalization is a method
" to sweep the dust under the carpet." / Feynman./
The concept of infinite/ eternal means nothing
to a scientists. They do not understand how they could
draw any real, concrete conclusions from this characteristic.
A notions of "more", "less", "equally, "similar" could not
be conformed to a word infinity or eternity.
The Infinity / Eternity is something, that has no borders,
has no discontinuity; it could not be compared to anything.
Considering so, scientists came to conclusion that the
infinity /eternity defies to a physical and mathematical definition
and cannot be considered in real processes.
Therefore they have proclaimed the strict requirement
(on a level of censor of the law):
« If we want that the theory would be correct,
the infinity/eternity should be eliminated ».
Thus they direct all their mathematical abilities,
all intellectual energy to the elimination of infinity.
But effect of infinity comes again and again and then
physicists say: that’ Infinity is the cause of the crisis in Physics.’
Another example of physicist’s thinking:
’ If there’s nothing wrong with me then,
maybe there’s something wrong with the Universe.’
/ One PhD physicist ./
Does an Absolute Infinite Frame of Reference exist?
I say: this unthinkable Absolute Infinite Frame of Reference
has two physical parameters.
First: T= 0K,
Second: E= 0 (the lowest state of cosmic background energy).
What to do with this Infinite Absolute Emptiness ?
" Remember gentlemen, we have not proven
the aether does not exist, we have only proven we do not
need it (for mathematical purposes)"..
/ Einstein's famous University of Leyden lecture of May 5, 1920./
So ! What to do with this Infinite Absolute Emptiness ?
Best wishes.
Israel Sadovnik. Socratus.
Infinite, unbounded, endless, never-ending ,unending,
perpetual, interminable, eternal, dateless, spaceless,
borderless . . .
- What do you read, Prince ?
- Words, words, words.
It is no matter how you call it.
The matter is:
How can Infinity be concrete?