The problem with lead acid batteries is that they just don't work that well for large applications. If you have a UPS on your computer or TV system you may have had to replace the battery. They usually use lead acid based on price. But the battery in your system probably only runs for 10 to 15 minutes when the power fails. And you have to replace the battery every couple of years. Figure out how big a battery it would take to run your whole house for 12 hours. Building and maintaining a lead acid battery to accommodate the entire power grid for a reasonable sized area is a formidable task.

I think that some sort of a fuel cell may be a better system. Don't quote me as an expert on that, what we finally wind up with may be something I have never heard of. That's one of the fun things about science and technology. Every so often somebody will come up with some kind of an off-the-wall idea that turns things all on their heads.

Bill Gill

C is not the speed of light in a vacuum.
C is the universal speed limit.