Originally Posted By: Bill S.
Hi, folks; I'm back after a few days without access to the internet.

Perhaps no one has really considered a 0=1D universe because:
1. There would be no one around to observe it.
2. If time is a measure of change, there would be no change to measure.
Of course! Now I understand what I had in mind when quite awhile ago I wrote: In the beginning G0D--that is, the no-thing ('0') from which the things of existence got (G)generated, evolved and (D)delivered as we now experience them.

Sometime ago, a member of the last church I served, senior to me and long since in the dimension we call death, an engineer and a friend of mine loaned me his copy of Flatland. We often had open-minded dialogues about the nature of things.

Is my recollection correct when I say that I recall that in a "flatland" Flatland observers would experience a globe passing through their system first as a dot, then as a straight line?

Is this interesting talk about serious science? Or it is just science fiction? Me? I am open to anything the human mind can imagine. With Rene Descartes' famous, "I am, therefore I think" in mind, I like to say: I am, therefore I have the power to imagine anything, for better or for worse, I choose to think.

Last edited by Revlgking; 05/06/11 03:57 PM. Reason: Always a good idea!

G~O~D--Now & ForeverIS:Nature, Nurture & PNEUMA-ture, Thanks to Warren Farr&ME AT www.unitheist.org