Occam's Razor and the conception of ‘Time’.
( According to SRT , QED and GRT. )
In his Miracle 1905 Einstein wrote the paper:
“ On the Electrodynamics of moving Bodies.” ( SRT).
He wrote about moving of ‘Electrodynamics Bodies’ (!)
It means he wrote about particles like quantum of light, electron. (!)
This movement is going in minus 4D continuum.
Only quantum of light can move with speed c=1 and in this
movement his Time is infinite.
Then the minus 4D continuum must be infinite too.(!)
Later the theory says that something happens and photon’s
Infinite Time changes to a relative according to the Lorentz
According to QED when electron interacts with Vacuum
all his physical parameters become infinite.
But he cannot die. This is forbidden by
‘ The law of conservation and transformation energy/mass‘.
How is possible to understand this situation?
It can only mean that electron’s own Time becomes infinite too.
So, it is possible that before he had an another Time.
If all electron’s physical parameters become infinite it means
that vacuum must be infinite too. (!)
If minus 4D continuum and Vacuum are both infinite then,
maybe, they are both one and the same reference frame. (!)
My conclusion:
All ‘Electrodynamics Bodies’ have two kinds of Time:
Infinite and relative.
In 1915 Einstein wrote GRT.
According to GRT the Time depends on gravity mass and gravity speed.
Every planet says that this fact is true.
Israel Socratus.
