Originally Posted By: Max
Read the original article if you want speculation of what the astronauts would expect to experience. It's all there for you.

It really is not there. This is what's there instead:

"On the moon’s dayside this effect is counteracted to a degree by sunlight: UV photons knock electrons back off the surface, keeping the build-up of charge at relatively low levels. But on the nightside, in the cold lunar dark, electrons accumulate and surface voltages can climb to hundreds or thousands of volts.
Imagine what it feels like to be a sock pulled crackling from a dryer. Astronauts on the moon [no mention of dayside or nightside, but the context implies nightside] during a magnetotail crossing might be able to tell you. Walking across ...
The ground, meanwhile, might leap into the sky.... and generally make life difficult for astronauts.
Stranger still, moondust might gather itself into a sort of diaphanous wind. ... strongest at the moon’s terminator, the dividing line between day and night."

So you can see it certainly does not speculate that any of these effects would appear on the dayside, which is where the Apollo 12 astronauts were.

Do you still think I missed it? I ask you again to show how it says the dayside would have these effects. Alternatively, apologize for telling me I hadn't read it properly.

for those kind of childish games

Please don't use insults.


"Apollo astronauts never landed on a full moon and they never experienced the magnetotail."

It's an exact quote from the same person. So it could easily perpetuate the same mistake. When you're trying to think critically you can't blindly trust the words of any one person.