Correct me if I’m wrong but, you believe or deduced that at the point of “singularity” that space and time no longer exist

It's not quite as simple as that. I'm not sure if I have already mentioned on this forum that a few years ago I started thinking seriously about time travel. I very soon found I was going round in circles. My wife suggested that I write everything down, her advice is usually good, so I did. A couple of years and over 180,000 words later, I realised I had written a "book". All this effort raised more questions than it answered.

The nature of time, and of infinity are two issues that still need work. I'm really looking forward to hearing your ideas about time.

Currently, the point I am at is that I think we live in an infinite cosmos in which there is essentially no change and no passage of time. Our experience is of a 4-dimensional Universe in which the illusions of time and change are necessary in order for us to make sense of our environment.

There never was nothing.