Originally Posted By: Adib Ben Jebara
(It was proved by Mr A. Blass that such an axiom exists)

In some ways, maths and philosophy may seem odd "bedfellows", but they have one important thing in common.

In maths, if an axiom can be proved to exist, it is a mathematical truth; but this is not necessarily a physical truth.

In philosophy, if a premise can be presented with enough fervour and apparent logic, it can become accepted as truth. This too is not necessarily a physical truth.

Having said that, I believe that both maths and philosophy are worthwhile activities. Perhaps there are instances in which each can temper the other, to mutual advantage. Undoubtedly some of what is produced will fall into the GIGO range, but in the same way that some philosophical ideas are subjective, so, to some extent, is garbage. Ask preearth and Bryan about that one. smile

There never was nothing.